Problems drawing Custom Objects from instance attributes

Hello, my name is Ezequiel Torres and I'm having problems trying to draw custom objects. In my work we are migrating a report made in FreeReport v2.33 to the Fast Report v4.0 that comes with the embarcadero XE3. The program that we're trying to migrate, has custom objects that draw ECGs from raw data. The problem that we have is that we don't know how the Fast Report works, but the instances of the objects that we create loss the values of their atributes when they have to be draw.

I was reading the Developer's manual and try to create a CustomObject that draw an arrow if some of his atributes has certain value. The proyect is attached in this topic. If I could make that the class TfrxArrow persists his values in some way and then reloads them at the time that the Draw functions is called, then a will be able to do the same with a array of values (this values are the raw data of the ECG).

I was serching something related with my problem in the forum, but I didn't find anything. If someone could see this or at least tell me where a can find exhaustive documentation about how can use the functions Assign, LoadFromStream and SaveToStream to solve this problem, I would thank you some much for that.

Kinds Regards

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