Printing BLOBs / RichView

Hi there,

I'm evaluating FastReport and really like the "open-minded" architecture of this module!

I've got some small questions:

Printing BLOB-Fields:

When printing a BLOB field, it's required to prepare the blob-data depending on the
type of the content.

We use for example a thirdparty RichText module (called RichView btw) and store
the content into a BLOB-File.

I'd like to print this in a fast reports field.
How can I do that? Best approach? :-)

Thanks a lot & keep it up guys, great work! ;)



  • edited 7:13AM
    FR3.0 does not support TRichView. However, you can print it as an image. To do this, place empty "Picture" object in the report. In the TfrxReport.OnBeforePrint do the following:

    if View.Name = 'Picture1' then
    // load the blob and assign it to the TRichView
    // draw it on any bmp surface
    // assign the bmp to the Picture1
  • edited 7:13AM
    AlexTZ wrote:
    However, you can print it as an image.
    sounds good, I'll check it out!

    Thanks a lot!

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