Undeclared identifier
I am trying to add a custom function and get the below error when I preview the report
Undeclared identifier: 'ReturnAnInt'
I can see what I might be doing wrong - any ideas?
The function is added in my program a
frxReport1->AddFunction("function int ReturnAnInt()", "My Functions", "converts integer to date time string");
frxReport1->DesignReport(true, false); // just for testing
Variant __fastcall TForm1::frxReport1UserFunction(const UnicodeString MethodName,
Variant &Params)
return 12345; // debugging code
finally the script within my FR report is
void frxDBDataset1createdOnBeforePrint(TfrxComponent Sender)
Undeclared identifier: 'ReturnAnInt'
I can see what I might be doing wrong - any ideas?
The function is added in my program a
frxReport1->AddFunction("function int ReturnAnInt()", "My Functions", "converts integer to date time string");
frxReport1->DesignReport(true, false); // just for testing
Variant __fastcall TForm1::frxReport1UserFunction(const UnicodeString MethodName,
Variant &Params)
return 12345; // debugging code
finally the script within my FR report is
void frxDBDataset1createdOnBeforePrint(TfrxComponent Sender)