Endellipsis in text


I need some help for some last polish of several reports.

First, I am looking for a facility to define something like an EndEllipsis.
I have some texts which are (sometimes) too large to fit within a given text object. I don't want to use word wrapping and stretching but would like to have them formated like "This is a long text wh..." instead of just cutting them off at the end.
How to achieve this?

Secondly, it sometimes happens that a GroupHeader is printed on the end of a page but it's MasterData starts on the next page. I played around with "KeepTogether" as I thought this might be good to control this behaviour but didn't have had any effort.
How to achieve this?

Besides of that, I do like FastReport really very much and will recommend it.

Many thanks,


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:46PM
    for your group header in it's obp event write code to check the engine cury and if > than a certain value
    call engine.newpage
  • edited 6:46PM
    gordk wrote: »
    for your group header in it's obp event write code to check the engine cury and if > than a certain value
    call engine.newpage

    Thanks. This works. Although I would have expected that such behaviour is default. I think that a header (which is being repeated on each page) does not make too much sense at the end of a page.
    I guess there's no easy way to implement the "end ellipsis" (three dots...) instead of cutting long texts?
  • edited 6:46PM
    I have found a working solution (or better: someone called "Furtbichler" in a german delphi forum suggested this one...). In case anyone else stumbles upon this thread, here it is (with potential for optimization)

    procedure Memo1OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    s : String;
    i : Integer;
    wd : Extended;
    memo : TfrxMemoView;
    memo := TfrxMemoView(Sender);
    s := memo.Memo.Text;
    if memo.CalcWidth>memo.Width then
    for i:=Length(s) downto 1 do begin
    memo.Memo.Text := Copy(s,1,i)+'...';
    wd := memo.CalcWidth;
    if wd <= memo.Width then break;

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