Hiding Child Band based on Memo field contents set from Delphi


I have a child Band for my Report Title. On this Child band there is a Memo field, which is not connected to any dataset. The value for this memo field is populated from Delphi by using the following syntax in Delphi itself:
t := TfrxMemoView(frxReportSlip.FindObject('lblCustomerName'));
  if t <> nil then
    t.Memo.Text := (qryFetchHeader.FieldByName('E_CUSTOMERNAME').AsString);

How can I check if the Memo field contains something, and if it does not contain any characters I want the Child band not to display.

I have tried this code on the OBP event in the Fast Report Script, but this does not print anything under any condition.
  if length(lblCustomerName.value)<1 then           
      Child2.Visible := False;
      Child2.Height  := 0.00;                                                            
      Child2.Visible := True;
      Child2.Height  := 1.13;        

Your assistance much appreciated.



  • edited 4:39AM
    I don't know if this is the correct way to do it, but this seems to be working for me.

    From within my Delphi code, I use this:
      if length(qryFetchHeader.FieldByName('E_CUSTOMERNAME').AsString)>0 then
          frxReportSlip.FindObject('Child2').Visible := True;
          t := TfrxMemoView(frxReportSlip.FindObject('lblCustomerName'));
          if t <> nil then
            t.Memo.Text := (qryFetchHeader.FieldByName('E_CUSTOMERNAME').AsString);
          t := TfrxMemoView(frxReportSlip.FindObject('lblCustomerVATNo'));
          if t <> nil then
            t.Memo.Text := (qryFetchHeader.FieldByName('E_VATNumber').AsString);
          frxReportSlip.FindObject('Child2').Visible := False;

    Any comments?
  • edited 4:39AM
    Marius wrote: »
    I have tried this code on the OBP event in the Fast Report Script, but this does not print anything under any condition.
      if length(lblCustomerName.value)<1 then           
          Child2.Visible := False;
          Child2.Height  := 0.00;                                                            
          Child2.Visible := True;
          Child2.Height  := 1.13;        

    I would try:
      if length(trim(lblCustomerName.text)) < 1 then           
          Child2.Visible := False;
    //      Child2.Height  := 0.00;    // not need for this if visible is false                                                        
          Child2.Visible := True;
    //      Child2.Height  := 1.13;        

    As far as I know, the value-property is for use in the OnAfterData of the memo only, and does not contain anything otherwise.

  • edited 4:39AM
    Maybe you could follow that

    Child2.Visible := Trim(lblCustomerName.text) <> ''

    and that code (FR script) should be executed in OBP event of Report Title, eg. before its Child band is analised by FR Engine.


  • gpigpi
    edited 4:39AM
    Try Child2.Visible := Trim(<YourDatasetName."YourFieldName">) <> ''
    or Child2.Visible := Trim(Report.Calc(lblCustomerName.text)) <> ''

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