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  • Thanks, gordk. I ended up initializing the keyvalues of the comboboxes that are used in the query in the dialogpage onshow event. That seems to be working. I don't know if there are any pitfalls with that approach. I might try using variables as you…
  • I just found out that copying and pasting a line with a parameter in the query will automatically create a duplicate parameter in the properties list even if I comment the line before saving. Deleting the commented line from the query removes the du…
  • A Memo view does have a scrollbar option. It would be nice if I could get scrollbars in the Text object after text is entered. I'm not sure if that's possible.
  • I figured it out. In the DialogPage OnShow event, I set the focus to memo73 - Memo73.SetFocus. The cursor now goes to the first position inside the text input area when the DialogPage opens. Now I would like to figure out how to get the cursor to go…
  • I just now noticed that you can choose to add a dialogpage when you right click to add a new page. A Memo control is added to the dialogpage to allow more characters. A label and OK button can also be added. Code is used to display the dialogpage wh…
  • jamertroy wrote: » Hi david, did memoviews stretch mode property worked on this case for you? I'm still trying to figure out how this softwware works as a whole by the way. No, I never got it to work. I set the StretchMode to smMaxHeight.…
  • gordk wrote: » Set the band to allow stretching set the memoviews stretch mode property and vertical align property to suit and wordwrap to true. Thanks for responding. I ended up using a DialogPage in combination with some Pascal code. I th…