I have a problem with the IIF

PNJs."GAB" is integer field.

In the TfrxMemoView (from Fast-Report last version) I wrote this:

[IIF(<PNJs."GAB">=0, '',<PNJs."GAB">)] : The result is empty, why?


[PNJs."GAB"] : The result is the integer good !

I use DoublePasse engine option !

Help me !


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    the iif function subs strings if expression equates equates to true or false.
    your true value is your false value is not a string
    '[PNJs."GAB"] '
  • edited 5:21AM
    Excuse my English but I did not understand your explanation !

    Could you explain it to me again or show me the complete syntax ?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    assuming you have not changed the memos delimiter property from []
    read the description of the function carfully
    you will see that the first parameter is an expression that equates to a boolean value
    the truevalue and false values are variants and it returns a variant for a result.
    now think about what is allowed in the memo of the text object, text, and/or expressions enclosed in a singleset of []
    the script parser like delphi strips leading and trailing apostrophes.
    a field in a memo [datasetname."fieldname"] is a valid expression which when handled by the evaluator
    returns the value of the field as text or formatted text if the display format is set.
    to pass an expression in true value or false value you need to have '[expression]' then the expression will be further evaluated.
    to pass the value of a variable or field you need to wrap it with suitable functions.
    ie this would be valid
    [IIF(<Page> > 1,'continued from Page: ' +VarToStr(<Page> -1),'Page: '+Vartostr(<Page>))]
    the result is a variant string.
    the vartostr() function is used to stop the parser from throwing an error.

  • edited February 2008
    PNJs is TfrxDBDataset and PNJs.Datasource is TClientDataset.

    PNJs."FOR", this is a integer value which in my example vacuum corresponds to the value 18.

    I tested this and nothing appears in the memo.
    [IIF(<PNJs."FOR">>0, 'Empty', 'Full')]

    If I understand your explanation it would appear the word 'full' and this is not the case !!!
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    then your expression portion is not equating properly.
    translate this to words and you will see why you are getting the true value rather than the false value.
    [IIF(<PNJs."FOR">>0, 'Empty', 'Full')]

    if <pnjs.for> is greater than 0 then 'empty' else 'full'
    18 is greater than 0 and equates to true. therefore you get the true value not the false valu
  • edited February 2008
    gordk wrote: »
    then your expression portion is not equating properly.
    translate this to words and you will see why you are getting the true value rather than the false value.
    [IIF(<PNJs."FOR">>0, 'Empty', 'Full')]

    if <pnjs.for> is greater than 0 then 'empty' else 'full'
    18 is greater than 0 and equates to true. therefore you get the true value not the false valu

    It's true (sorry for this), but if I made like this: [IIF(<PNJs."FOR">>0, 'True', 'False')] , the test is still empty whereas if I just: [PNJs."FOR"] I can see that my whole 18, why ?

    Gork Thank you for taking time to help me in my problem...
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    i messed up my explanation a bit
    had to look at my old notes
    run the main demo pick the simple list report
    change te contents of memo8
    [IIF(<Customers."Company"> = 'Action Diver Supply','true',vartostr(<Customers."Company">))]
    what we are doing is putting a final value into the text of the memo
    the above sample puts the value of the field into the memo except when the expression is true then it puts the word true.
    you must always pass values when working with the iif function so to get the value of a field you need to use the vartostr()function

    you can only pass expressions into a memos text only when working from the band or another object
    and they must be contained in '[]'.
    procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    if (<Customers."Addr2"><>'') then memo3.lines.add('[Customers."Addr2"]');
    if (<Customers."City"><>'') then memo3.lines.add('[Customers."City"]');
    if (<Customers."State"><>'')then memo3.lines.add('[Customers."State"]');
    if (<Customers."Zip"><>'') then memo3.lines.add('[Customers."Zip"]');
  • edited 5:21AM
    [IIF(<Customers."Company"> = 'Action Diver Supply','true',vartostr(<Customers."Company">))]

    I tested this with success, I even did the same test in another report on a field of type integer with success too.

    [IIF(<PNJs."FOR"> = 0,' := 0 ', vartostr(<PNJs."FOR">))]
    But when I made my report to me this does not work, whereas if I just put this [PNJs."FOR"] in the Memo it works, I do not really see where this bug may come ...

    This is very strange for me...
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    since you know the function works passes the true or false value when the expression equates to boolean true or false then you must look at your expression portions contents to find the error, as it is never equating to true or false.
    since you are using a tclientdataset
    make sure that the underlying field type is what you expect. you are expecting an integer according to your current expression portion and since it seems to be failing, it is probably not an integer field. it might be
    a formated string with no decimals.
    the problem is not in the function itself but in what you are using in the expression portion.
  • edited 5:21AM
    [VarToStr(<PNJs."FOR">)] the result for this is empty too !

    Why ?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    where is this
    please show the whole iif function
  • edited February 2008
    gordk wrote: »
    where is this
    please show the whole iif function

    None of the functions does in TfrxMemoView in my report.

    Here is how my program:

    TfrxReport in TForm (main form).

    TfrxDBDataset in TDatamodule.

    TFrxDesigner in TFrame in TForm (main form)

    And use TntWare (Unicode) !

    Is it possible that the use of TFrame be the cause of the problem?

    PS: this zip containt my app and reports !

    To use the internal designer then click on the ComboBox and choose "Concepteur de modeles"!

    The reports are in the folder under "Feuilles".

    The report I test and who is not working "V2_Standard.fr4" it is used in the selection "Tirage rapide de PNJ" or "Feuille de personnages" of the ComboBox.

    XML files that are used are in the folder under "Data"
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:21AM
    the only other thing i can think of that would not allow the expression to work
    is the convert null setting of the report engine if set to false you will not get a zero and the expression will not equate to a boolean result when a null value is encountered.

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