Conflict with TOpenDialog & FastReport

On FastReports 3.23.

If I make an OpenDialog.Execute or a SaveDialog.Execute with TOpenDialog & TSaveDialog components, from that moment on FastReport Engine fails.

;) ;)


  • edited October 2006
    Hello runspect,

    that sounds strange. I just tried the following code:
    procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
       if OpenDialog1.Execute then

    It works without a problem. I am using FR 3.22 and D2006.
  • edited 10:12PM
    I use Delphi 7.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:12PM
    procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    works fine for me also d7 d10.
  • edited 10:12PM
    Hello runspect,

    can you post your code? Maybe we then can find a reason for the problem.
  • edited 10:12PM
    It's a mystery, also after exporting to PDF, RTF, etc in preview window (that shows a TSaveDialog), Fastreport crashes. ;)

    Your examples work perfectly, so the problem is in my application. Where? I don't know... ;)

    The code is so complicated in order to show it here.

    Thank you. ;)
  • edited 10:12PM
    Hallo runspect,

    just let us know, when you could solve the problem. It might be interesting for us to avoid the same problem in the future.
  • edited 10:12PM
    Finally, I solved it. It was caused by error in my code ;)
  • edited 10:12PM
    runspect wrote: »
    Finally, I solved it. It was caused by error in my code >
    Please, can you let me know the error. I have the same problem but I don't find any kind of error in my code.


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