Change table of report from Ms Access

edited 9:39PM in FastReport 4.0
Fastreport Studio for Microsoft Access come with a demo as below:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set fr = CreateObject("FastReport.TfrxReport")
If Not Left(Application.CodeProject.Path, 1) = Left(CurDir, 1) Then ChDrive Left(Application.CodeProject.Path, 1)
ChDir (Application.CodeProject.Path)
fr.LoadReportFromFile (Application.CodeProject.Path + "\fr_and_access.fr3")
End Sub

There is ADOTable1 in the demo report (fr_and_access.fr3) where the TableName is bind to table1. How can I change the underlying table from table1 to another table under Microsoft Acess 2003?


  • edited 9:39PM
    Sorry for wrong post! I reposted to FastReport Studio

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