Global Vars

fields24fields24 Tennessee
edited 8:03PM in FastReport 3.0

In creating a report I am declaring global vars under the head of the code
under the var keyword: StartDay : Integer; WorkCodes : string;, etc

On selecting preview while in the editor the correct output appears.

But when running the application I get the error above.

There is one line of code in Delphi 7 that I am executing the frxReport
GetValue procedure: It performs a AnsiCompareText on the field that is
found if it is WorkCodes. It merely passes a string value. It never gets to
this line of code anyway.

What is going on? I have reinstalled Delphi 7 Pro, reinstalled FastReports 3.24 Pro
several times and still get the error. It worked several weeks ago with the same

Using: Windows XP Pro SP2, Delphi 7 Pro, FastReports 3.24, IBObjects 4.7.16

Steve Fields


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:03PM
    ongetvalue only fires when a variable from the catagorized list of variables that has no value is encountered. not for variables declared on the reports code page.
  • fields24fields24 Tennessee
    edited April 2007
    Why, then, has the report worked for months without change
    now on a recompile, without changes, does not work?
    Also, on a newly created report, without global variables
    the report works until I add a snip of code like below?

    if (<LINE#> mod 2) = 0 then
    Line1.Visible := True
    Line1.Visible := False;

    I have a defined variable in the Header Line, [STARTDATE]
    so it will not preview, I have to actually run the application.
    But when it comes to OnGetValue and finds STARTDATE it
    chokes with:
    Incompatible types: 'Class String', 'String'

    There is only the code listed above in the report and the code
    below in the Delphi (OnGetValue) code:

    if AnsiCompareStr(VarName, 'STARTDATE') = 0 then
    Value := FormatDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Now);

    Steve Fields

    I really like your software and use it heavily. I am just trying
    to track down where I have messed up or a reinstall has gone
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:03PM
    hi steve it is choking on the '
    don't forget delphi strips string delimiters so you must add extras when passing strings into categorized variables.

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