Userfunction Exception Incompatible types


I have defined a Userfunction, using the descrped way 2.
1. I Called xxxReport.AddFunction with the corresonding Params
2. I implemented the "OnUserFunction" Event
3. I checked function name in uppercases

The Function is listed in the report designer and I call it within "OnStartReport"
If I run the report from within the designer or from delphi code, I get an Error Message from the parser:

Script error at 10:33: Incompatible types: 'Class String', 'String'

What is wrong?
I'm actually working with a trial version of Fastreport 3.19
Working with Delphi 2005 on XP Prof. SP1

Regards, Ren?©


  • edited 8:03PM
    You will send but parameter type String?
    Try with other parameter.
  • edited 8:03PM
    Thanks for the reply.

    I've allready tried it with Integers instead. Same problem;
    Incompatible types: 'Class Integer', 'Integer'

    Any other idea?
  • edited 8:03PM
    I working in Delphi 7 and shall create the function so:

    In Delphi:
    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    frxReport1.AddFunction('function MyFun(x:String):String','User Function','');
    function TForm1.frxReport1UserFunction(const MethodName: String;
      var Params: Variant): Variant;
    if MethodName ='MYFUN' then
    In Script:
    You do in the same way?
  • edited 8:03PM
    Hello Den,

    To be sure, I included your Code snippets.
    But..... It's the same result. So it might be a problem with the trial version ?

    Thanks for your reply
  • edited 8:03PM
    Maybe it is problem in Delphi 2005.
  • edited November 2005
    I have the same problem in D7 with 3.19 standard. It worked in 3.17. Haven't checked for 3.18. This is urgent since my apps don't work anymore.

    Thanks in advance !

    For info, I use it this way :

    In delphi :
    repx.AddFunction('Function GETAD(cocv:String):String');

    In FR :

    Maybe I shouldn't use angle brackets anymore but [] instead ?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:03PM
    here is a sample using dates and integer return.
    has worked fine for me in all versions

    delphi function declared at start of implementation section of form

    function DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
    Result := Trunc(Date2) - Trunc(Date1);
    if Result < 0 then Result := 0;

    declare in on show or oncreate of form not when loading report, passes out 2
    dates and return integer difference

    frxReport2.AddFunction('function DateDif2(olddate, newdate: TDateTime): Integer','Userfunctions','returns integer value of newdate - olddate');

    function TForm1.frxReport2UserFunction(const MethodName: String;
    var Params: Variant): Variant;
    if AnsiCompareText(MethodName, 'Datedif2') = 0 then
    Result := daysbetween(Params[0], Params[1]);
    make sure method name matches declaration case sensitive
    you should not need []
    since you are working with strings you may need to add extra '''' when passing result back in.
  • edited November 2005
    Hello gordk.

    I was using 3.19.2
    I just installed 3.19.13 and things work correctly now.

    Sorry for bothering and thanks again for your help.
  • fields24fields24 Tennessee
    edited 8:03PM
    I am getting this error, Incompatible types: 'Class Integer', 'Integer'
    (and sometimes Incompatible types: 'Class String', 'string')
    with a IBObjects related report with a few script lines and a simple
    alternating memo field color change on alternate lines. The memofields
    are straight forward map to a dataset and fieldname.

    if ((<LINE#> mod 2) = 0) then
    memName1.Color := clSilver
    memName1.Color := clNone;

    FastReport Pro 3.24, Delphi 7 pro

    Steve Fields
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:03PM
    where are you writing the code, in the obp event of the memo or the data band containing the memo?

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