Loading Images(*.bmp,*.jpg and Etc.) from database

Hi all .
I'm using fastreports from 2 years ago up to now .
I want to retrive image data from a database system like SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft Access .
I put a TfrxPictureView object to my report and connect it to my database - field [For example , Northwind DB (MS Access OR MS SQL Server 2000) - Categories (The Table) - Picture (The Image Field)] , but the picture (*.bmp , *.jpg or ...) that I stored them in my database , are not shown .
Now , please let me know what can I do for my problem .
I have some employment data and I want to print the employee picture to his/her status report form .
Thanks .


  • edited May 2006
    What format has picture field (maybe it's OLE)?
    Can you save two or three records from your database and attach here?
  • edited May 2006
    Dear DEN ,
    The Pictures Are in BMP format . (What about JPG OR Gif OR ... formats?)
  • edited 5:15PM
    Can you save two or three records from your database and attach it here or send it to my email den@fast-report.com?
  • edited 5:15PM
    Dear DEN ,
    If you have SQL Server 2000 OR MS Access (2003) , you can find Northwind database and then you can use CATEGORIES table . There is PICTURE field in this table , then you can store a BMP file (OR JPG) on it , and try what I want to do .
    (I can not attach a part of my data)
    I want to create a report (With fast report and Delphi) from a similar table that it has EmployeeName , EmployeePosition , EmployeePicture and Etc. ...

    I want to design a report like this :

    Position : |
    Picture ->

    I will send to you a sample picture to your email .
  • edited May 2006
    I Think that U and fast reports can not help me , I can not show pictures stored on my database systems , in the reports designed with Fast Report Studio and Fast Report 3 Professional Component (Delphi 7) and it is not good for the FAST REPORT team . I'm your customer and I wish that U help me very soon .
    Best regards .
  • edited May 2006
    Hi Fast Report Team .
    I'm waiting for the solution for my problem with FAST REPORT .
    But there is no answer yet .
    May be I must leave the fast report products . (I have Fast Report 3 - Professional Edition (For Delphi 6,7,..) and Fast Report Studio 3)
    If this is true , and fast report team has no solution for my simple problem , please let me know as soon as possible . ;) ;) ;) ;)
  • edited June 2006
    My Problem is solved . ;) ;)
  • renerene Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
    edited 5:15PM
    My Problem is solved . ;) ;)
    May we know HOW?
  • edited 5:15PM
    My Problem is solved . ;) ;)
    I have the same problem. How did you solve this?
  • edited June 2006
    OK .
    The images stored in MS SQL Server and MS Access ARE NOT standard bitmaps .
    ;) ;)
    Yes , that's it , store an image (bmp or jpg) in your database .
    Then use fast report , it will work .
    I designed a test database with two image fields , one of them in BMP format and another on in JPG format , then enter data to this database and then test the FAST REPORTS on it .
    IT WORKED . ;) ;)

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