Value from a memo to other memo
First, I want say that my english is bad, I'm from Brasil, sorry if
somebody don't understand...
I need that a value from a Memo go to other memo...
I have Memo1 that your value is Gardel... I want that this value go to
I try write [Memo1.value := Memo2.value] and other variants but is wrong FR dont
Then how I do for that a value from this memo go to other memo?
Please I need help...
First, I want say that my english is bad, I'm from Brasil, sorry if
somebody don't understand...
I need that a value from a Memo go to other memo...
I have Memo1 that your value is Gardel... I want that this value go to
I try write [Memo1.value := Memo2.value] and other variants but is wrong FR dont
Then how I do for that a value from this memo go to other memo?
Please I need help...
Memo2.Text := Memo1.Text;
The FR generate a error... says that syntax are wrong.
The memos that i'm speaking is memos from FR...
I have a memo your name is Memo1 and your value is [CUSTOMER."NAME"] I need that this value go to other memo that your name is Memo2...
I know that if i write [CUSTOMER."NAME"] in memo2, I will have the same value, but I dont want... i need refer the memo1 in value from the memo2
If I'm in delphi I write Memo1.Text := Memo2.Text, but I'm inside FR...
The memos are from FR no Delphi.
Thanks a lot
Sorry by my bad english...
I meant to write
Memo2.Text := Memo1.Text;
this code OnBeforePrint event of the band where the memos are on.
since the value property is the result of the expression, variable or datafield.
after memo9 has retreived it's data put the value into memo10s text.
procedure Memo9OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
memo10.memo.text := VarToStr(memo9.value);
Note text object's memos are multi lined so the value returned will be that of the last expression calculated.
ie if memo9 contained
the result value returned from the value property of memo9 would be the value of