Formating numerik value as to be pozitif or negati

How can show n??meric value with MemoView by changing its DisplayFormat?
When the value pozitif the value will be like that

2.3443,33 [P]

when it s negative it will be like that

2.3443,33 [N]

and when its zero it will be like that


Is it possible doing that with one FormatStr.

Thanks for help


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 1:15AM
    use a separate memoview left aligned turn off allow expresions
    write code in obp of band to test datafield value and place appropriate text in the second memoview.
  • edited 1:15AM
    Thank you.
  • edited 1:15AM
    I think this is not a practical solution. I expect sometihing like delphi mask
    for Display format=

    if this works it will be more smart


    ;) but doesnt supported.
  • edited 1:15AM
    Yes if it s supported it will be really nice.
  • edited 1:15AM
    You can also do like that

    [FormatFloat('#,###.##[P];#,###.##[N];[Z]', <frxDataSet1."anumericfieldname">)]

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 1:15AM
    hi all
    Tuna is correct
    you can also alter the display format formatstring, without using the function.
    ie set display format to number select the last item it will display %2.2m
    delete this value and enter your format string without the ''s
    if you want decimal places to show at all times use 0 in place of # in decimal positions
  • edited 1:15AM
    ;) thanks that really nice.

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