Troubles with FR 3.20
First trouble:
Form with FR component, saved in... 3.17?...
Can't be opened in 3.20 (I got exception):
Found trouble point: Older versions saved FastReport.PrintOptions.Printer as translated text, actual version failed to load this property.
Edit: This doesn't work after recompile...
Second trouble:
Registering own methods doesnt work...
Old code:
Form with FR component, saved in... 3.17?...
Can't be opened in 3.20 (I got exception):
Found trouble point: Older versions saved FastReport.PrintOptions.Printer as translated text, actual version failed to load this property.
Edit: This doesn't work after recompile...

Second trouble:
Registering own methods doesnt work...
Old code:
fsGlobalUnit.AddedBy := Self;
with fsGlobalUnit do
 OnGetUnit := GetFastScriptUnit;
 { z??kladn? funkce }
 AddMethod('function ....
This code IS executed, but Reports doens't know new added methods...
Another trouble (also in older FR versions):
ADODataSet.EOF doens't work well, it duplicates last row (dataset is active, eof is false,, dataset is active, eof is true - but line is same).
EOF should be true on last row, not AFTER
My own functions are running on the report is showing, but they doesn???t showing in the list of functions at the designer.