is there such an event in FreeReport 2.3.3???
I'd need it because I'm trying to set up a report that takes a JPG image from a RDBMS and print it.
The query is ok, but FR gives me an error, so I'm trying to do some preprocessing, i.e. fetching from db, transforming into bmp and then assigning the bmp to the picture.
Any ideaon a smarter way to do that in delphi 6 Ent?
is there such an event in FreeReport 2.3.3???
I'd need it because I'm trying to set up a report that takes a JPG image from a RDBMS and print it.
The query is ok, but FR gives me an error, so I'm trying to do some preprocessing, i.e. fetching from db, transforming into bmp and then assigning the bmp to the picture.
Any ideaon a smarter way to do that in delphi 6 Ent?
u can use this event.
btw, the FR demos show enough techniques to do such things..