Show header on each page of SubReport?

edited 10:58PM in FreeReport
Hi everyone.

I started to use FreeReport and I'm satisfied with it.

I've created a master-detail report for printing orders by using a 'master' page with a 'subreport' page. It works fine except for some small but important improvements ;)

The supreport page contains the order lines with a master data band where the order lines' data fields are placed and a master footer with additional information and a total for each order.

The master contains the order's header information, i.e. order no. and customer's name and adress and the column headers for the order lines. This information is put on the report's first page as a master data band. This should be printed on each page, but it is printed on the first page of each order only.

Can anyone help?



  • edited 10:58PM

    When I work with only one page. With groupheader instead of master data on page one and master data instead of the subreport on page two, it works fine when I select only one delivery note. When I select all delivery notes the report only shows the first page.

    Is there the conclusion to create a report for each delivery note individually?

    I'm really despairing of reportbuilders. It doesn't matter if it's FreeReport or QuickReport. I'm missing a good tutorial. The examples don't fit good enough.

    Despaired greetings,
  • edited August 2005
    I found a solution.
    When I use only one dataset with all the data combined in instead of two dataset set in master-detail relation, I can create the report as I want it to be. The report has a group header for master data and a master data band for the detail data. The group header can be set to 'show on all pages'.

    Finally everything works fine!

    A hard week has been finished successfully ;)


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