[BUG]: Stack overflow when accessing TMemo.Text

edited August 2005 in FastScript

using FastScript 1.8, if I try to access "TMemo.Text" I get a "stack overflow" error.
Accessing the memo text using "TMemo.Lines.Text" works.

The stack overflow sometimes results in bad crashes afterwards, so maybe it would be nice to fix this ;)

click here to download an example application

Any workaround for this?

Thanks a lot,



  • edited August 2005
    There is no TMemo.Text property. You should include fs_iformsrtti into your uses list to access TMemo correctly.
  • edited 9:04PM
    AlexTZ wrote:
    There is no TMemo.Text property. You should include fs_iformsrtti into your uses list to access TMemo correctly.
    Thanks Alex, with "fs_iformsrtti" there is a reasonable error-msg explaining this instead of the stack-overflow. Nice!


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