Problems with RTF with FastReport 3 on Win98

alnotasalnotas Greece
edited 9:39PM in FastReport 3.0

I have problems using TfrxRichView on Win98. When previewing, instead of the formatted text, i get the format itself (e.g. "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\deff0\deflang3098{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset204 Verdana;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset204{\*\fname Verdana;}Verdana ;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1026\f0\qj\fs16\par ")

The problem was reported by user "aleha" on "Aug 26 2004, 04:19 AM" but for the 2.5xx version of fastreport. Your solution was to un-commend the //{DEFINE RX} line in file.
I tried to do the same with the equivalent file but i couldn't find anywhere the {Define RX} statement.
I have the RxLib 2.75 installed and and already purchased the source code of FastReport 3. Is there a solution to my problem?

Please help...


  • edited June 2005
    Please tell more details. In which OS the report was created? FR3 already have rxrich, it doesn't use Delphi rich control.
  • alnotasalnotas Greece
    edited June 2005
    The Report was created in FastReport 3.15/Delphi 7 Enterprise/Windows XP Pro.
    I first noticed the problem when i tested the report on Microsoft's Virtual Machine, under Win98SE simulation. Few days later came some feedback from customers using Windows 98SE, reporting the same problem. Am i doing something wrong here?
  • alnotasalnotas Greece
    edited 9:39PM
    ....I forgot to mention that the Win98SE that i simulated on the MS Virtual Machine, was the Greek Edition. I'm not sure if the customers systems had also Greek Edition Win98 but it's most likely.

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Rich Text Editor. To edit a paragraph's style, hit tab to get to the paragraph menu. From there you will be able to pick one style. Nothing defaults to paragraph. An inline formatting menu will show up when you select text. Hit tab to get into that menu. Some elements, such as rich link embeds, images, loading indicators, and error messages may get inserted into the editor. You may navigate to these using the arrow keys inside of the editor and delete them with the delete or backspace key.