error when export a excel files

when I export the report as a excel file.
it always encounter error

it said "project xxx raised exception EOleException with message 'OLE error 800A03EC'".

what had happened


  • edited 8:02PM
    more info: I have seen this too with excel 2003, but not with prior versions.
  • edited 8:02PM
    I'm using win2k advanced server + delphi 7 enterprise + offiice 2k/
  • edited 8:02PM
    Does this error happen when you export any report or only some kind of report?
  • edited 8:02PM
    pdf,rtf,jpg,bmp are all ok
    error only happen in excel expor,
  • edited 8:02PM
    Please send the .fr3 and .fp3 files (.fp3 - save from preview) to
  • edited 8:02PM
    I just have the same problem.
    Hope can be solved soon.

  • edited 8:02PM
    I have the same problem for FR3 + Delphi7 on WinXP Pro
  • edited 8:02PM
    this worked for me:

    that will bring up the export dialog (according to your setting) and do the job.

    though an excel export is really slow for me.
    I rather use a TXT export and then use a step import procedure in Excel. Much faster.
  • edited 8:02PM
    when I export the report as a excel file.
    it always encounter error

    it said "project xxx raised exception EOleException with message 'OLE error 800A03EC'".

    what had happened
    i have exactly problem with you ,...

    i am running the frdemo (demo from FastReport 3.14), i download the program today (06/15/05),.. i click the preview the simple list, after that i click export btn, and choice the excel (ole).. or (xml).. it will show error :

    "project xxx raised exception EOleException with message 'OLE error 800A03EC'".

    I am using window xp-sp1 and delphi 7 pacth 1 and win office xp (in about dialog microsoft excel say : Microsoft Execl 2002 (10.4302.4219) SP-2.

    please help..

  • edited 8:02PM
  • edited 8:02PM
    xml export does not use any OLE calls! This error may happens only with excel-ole export. Try to check/uncheck the "fast export" option in the export dialog.
  • edited 8:02PM
    The solution is: comment the lines in the unit that work with the excel files export...there is a problem with a procedure in that unit...i resolve that problem doing that...
    Verify if that problem exists only when you do fast export, if you uncheck that option in the window, it works good...
  • edited 8:02PM
    I have the same problem for FR318 + Delphi7 on WinXP Pro

    help me..........................
  • edited 8:02PM
    oke maybe it's been a years more, but actually i've found the answer, before you export your report into excel, make sure that is no violation of the rules of excel. In Example, if you have text "=Test This is Wrong" , then it can raise OLE Error, because Excel interprets it as a Formula.. So you need to add quote (') in the left of string (become '=Test This is Right). It'll happen too for all ambiguous condition.

    Make sure your data isn't ambiguous. Then you'll be fine.

    Thank you.
  • edited 8:02PM
    For work with excel files recommend use- recovery xls,tool is free,it has many features,utility can be easily solved with Excel recovery software for recovery xls,will allow you to Excel files recovery and make sure, that it works and that your work results can now be recovered just in several clicks,allows to save many hours of your work for recovery for Excel download and recover everything, that was done before.

  • edited March 2011
    The solution is: comment the lines in the unit that work with the excel files export...there is a problem with a procedure in that unit...i resolve that problem doing that...



  • edited March 2011
    Thanks for all the help with this - was driving me crazy!

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