Barcode Minimum Line Width

OrionizerOrionizer North Carolina
edited 4:18PM in FastReport 3.0
I need the ability to change the minimum barcode line width.

When printing barcodes (even with zoom levels increased), the minimum width of a line is still too narrow and can only be read from about a foot or two away. I have a project where users will need to scan from up to 6 feet away.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 4:18PM
    From what i have seen in testing changing the zoom property, increases the width of the control and the width of the individual bars
    regards ;)
  • OrionizerOrionizer North Carolina
    edited 4:18PM
    Yes, when I increase the zoom, all of the bars EXCEPT THE THINNEST get increased.

    I'll keep working with this and see if I can provide some examples (scans, etc.)


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