Line density problem


I've got a report that I used cell frames to layout so that it look like its a "table"

When printing a hardcopy, the first page has very dark lines that almost look double thick - but on the second page and beyond (and the second page is the same masterdata band as the first, just the data is stretching to another page) the lines are very thin - more like how they all appear in the preview.

I might add that on the first page I have some things underlined using a line object, and they also appear bolded -- all lines and frames and squares on the first page are very dark.

The second page is normal meaning light.

I am using an inkjet printer to test this, and I've tried it on several printers with the same result.

Please see if this is bug.




  • edited 8:08PM
    need an answer to this, posting to move it to the top again.
  • edited 8:08PM
    Fix frxPrinter.pas

    procedure TfrxPrinter.SetPrintParams
    FDC := ResetDC(FDC, FMode^);
    // add:
    // ...
  • marc59marc59 LILLE (FRANCE)
    edited 8:08PM
    ;) I've discover the same problem and I have open yesterday a call to the technical support. AlexTZ has answer me very quicky (thanks) but I have bought the standard edition of FR3, and so, cannot re-compile frxPrinter.pas because no source are include in this package.
    I hope that this fix will be include in the next release of FR
  • edited 8:08PM
    of course, it will be included in FR3.10 (comes tomorrow).

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