how don't store report in dfm in fr3?

fr3 has not storeInDfm!


  • edited 7:19PM
    FR3 stores the report in a dfm by default, you can't switch it off. If you don't want to store a report, press the "New" button when you're leaving the designer.
  • edited 7:19PM
    2AlexTZ: I wonder if there was really serious reason to always store report in DFM. Pretend you are me. You are debugging report script. You run project, execute report. It comes up with an error like "Incorrect variant operation" with no additional information. You stop execution of the program, make some changes in script (you saved report as an external file). Finally, you hit "Run". And... the compiler recompiles a good half of the project, because of changes in form unit.
    Some notes:
    1) I cannot debug report in design-time, because data is generated on-the-fly.
    2) Run-time designing doesn't work for me. As soon as I terminate program, all changes are discarded, in spite of fact whether I pressed "Save" or not.

    Best wishes, Sergei.
  • edited 7:19PM
    Simply save your report as a .fr3 file, that way you can design at runtime, make changes, & save them.

    When you're ready to do a release version, open your report at design time in order for it to be saved to dfm & comment out the code to load the report from file at runtime. I personally like to use conditional compilation as I can then easily turn on & off the "load at runtime" code.
  • edited 7:19PM
    Simply save your report as a .fr3 file, that way you can design at runtime, make changes, & save them.

    You, probably, weren't too attentive while reading my post. I do store my report as an external .fr3 file. But the problem is that FR always stores report in dfm, regardless of my choice.
    And another note: I do not want to store report in dfm at any stage of development. Customer can request some changes in report (in design, for example) and I can simply send him modified .fr3 file.
    The problem I complain about is that when I make changes to report (which is external file, remember?) my compiler recompiles a half of project and it takes about 2 minutes, while with FR2.* I could get my program running immediately.
  • edited 7:19PM
    I tracked down my problem about discarding changes made in run-time. When I open report in design-time, it loads DFM version, which isn't modified. Now I wonder how can I change this behaviour?

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