Print a group footer on each page

ManelManel Barcelona, Catalonia
Hi all,

I have a report with multiple groups, every one with its header and footer. When data of a group doesn't match in one page I need both header and footer to be printed in each page during the group. It's easy to do with headers, but is it possible with footer? is ther another way to consider this problem?

tnks a lot!


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:36PM
    Since a group footer does not print until after all the records of the group have been presented you must use different methods
    1 use the page footer band.
    2 use a column footer band it will appear at bottom of evey page just above page footer.
    3 use a child band.
    in either case you will have to add variables and code to track where you are
    and to control visibility of bands or memos.
  • ManelManel Barcelona, Catalonia
    edited 9:36PM
    tks gordk, I was afraid this would be impossible without writing code... I'm working on it ;)
  • ManelManel Barcelona, Catalonia
    edited 9:36PM
    I've been working on that problem but I haven't got it ;)
    PageFooter and ColumnFooter won't work because I need footer group to be printed just after las master band in the page. The group footer has only a line ending a square wich surrounds all the group, so it's critical that this line appears just after las master not at the end of the page.
    I think that it's a good idea putting a line with align set to bottom and visible to false in the master data. Before a new page is created, I set visible to true.... so the questio is: can I detect when last band in a page is going to be printed? Because, if the answer is not, my "great" idea wil become really stupid ;)

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