Problem off de Printing in FastReport on Kylix 3

edited October 2003 in FastReport 2.xx CLX
;) if printing document in preview the fast report , not printing document the state job in cups is aborted.



Gerencial Informatica
user = 4772


  • edited 10:23PM
    Try to make a simple print without using FR:

    Printer.Canvas.TextOut(100, 100, 'test');

    if this code won't work, there is a problem with CLX/Qt, not FR.
  • edited 10:23PM

    I am also having the same problem - I tried the code to print directly using the TPrint object and it worked fine but printing from within the FR preview window does not work.

    I have also tried the FR direct print function :


    but that does not work either ( is the first parameter correct ?)

    Any help is appreciated as this is becoming an urgent problem.

    Conor O'Dwyer
  • edited 10:23PM
    It is in polish magazine SOFTWARE-2 11/2003

    ???If you works with locales where ThousandSeparator is "." and DecimalSeparator is "," (in global variable of linux LC_NUMERIC) the report will not print (DBeXpress-related bug).Solution: redefine the global variables for Decimal Separator and ThousandSeparator.???

    Odszukaj sekcjÄ™ LC_NUMERIC w pliku /usr/share/i18n/locales/pl_PL
    Jest :
    there is

    decimal_point "<U002C>"
    thousands_sep ""
    grouping 0;0

    Zmieniamy na:
    change to

    decimal_point "<U002E>" ( <--tu dokonujsz zmiany )
    thousands_sep ""
    grouping 0;0

    Przebudujemy locale poleceniem localedef:
    #localedef -f ISO-8859-2 -i usr/share/i18n/locales/pl_PL
    Jeśli nie uzyskalibyśmy poprawnego efektu, dodatkowo usuwamy lub zmieniamy nazwę pliku /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive. Sprawdzamy, powinno być dobrze.
  • edited 10:23PM
    try another font : adobe-courier

    i have the same pb with mandrake 9.2 and that was the solution


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