How to use OnGetReport ?

Hello, I need an example of OnGetReport event.

I started with a simple test, like:
procedure TMainForm.ServGetReport(const ReportName: String;
Report: TfrxReport);

and I got an error...don't know how to use it (I'd wish to change the SQL query depending on the ReportName, and open the report soon after...but I can't even open the report).

Has anybody succeeded using it ?


  • edited 6:31PM
    I've found the reason:
    ReportName has no path.

    Unfortunately, we have reports in different folders, and I don't know how to choose the right one because the folder is stripped.

    The session object has a filename property, but I can't reach the session object easily in the OnGetReport event.

    I would be glad if TfrxreportSession could pass itself to the callback like

    procedure TfrxReportSession.DoOnGetReport;
    TfrxReportServer(FParentReportServer).OnGetReport(self,FName, FReport);

    so that I could something like

    procedure TMainForm.ServGetReport(sender:TfrxReportSession;const ReportName: String;
    Report: TfrxReport);

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