Basic chart questions

I've tried finding answers in the documentation, but not finding what I need. Can anyone help?

When my chart first displays, it’s got the legend on the left side, and both the “Total” and “Rate” series are checked in the legend and display on the chart:

If you move the mouse over the chart, another window displays over the upper right of the chart:

  1. What’s the name for that window on the right?
  2. How do you control where it appears?
  3. How can you disable it entirely?
  4. The buttons on the upper-right window control visibility of the series. How can I have the checkmarks on the legend control series visibility instead of that upper right window?



  • Hello!

    TfrxChartView is a wrapper for the TeeChart component. Therefore, you need to read the TeeChart documentation to resolve your issues.

    Please also note that the options available to you depend on the version of TeeChart you have.

  • Set ferAllowInPreview of TfrxChartView.Editable to False.

  • Set ferAllowInPreview of TfrxChartView.Editable to False.

    Thanks gpi, that works to prevent the window from appearing!

    Unfortunately, without that window, it appears that there’s no way to show or hide individual series -- the checkboxes in the legend don’t respond to mouse clicks.  Is there any way to have the legend show or hid individual series?

    It might be feasible to disable the legend entirely, but there are still two problems with that window on the upper right:

    1. There doesn’t appear to be any way to position it so it doesn’t come up obscuring a portion of the chart.
    2. There doesn’t appear to any way to assign names to the series – they window insists on calling them “Series 1”, “Series 2”, etc.

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