How to switch orientation from Portrait to Landscape and then back to Portrait


I have a report where the Orientation is in Portrait. I also have a sub report that I want to print in Landscape. How do I switch from Portrait to Landscape for the sub report and then back to Portrait?




  • PolomintPolomint Australia

    G'day Dave,

    I haven't had to do this, and I haven't tested this out, but...

    The Orientation Property is attached to the TfrxReportPage instance for your report. Can you add two more instances and have the second one "Landscape" and the other two "Portrait"?

    Not sure how easy / hard that is to do for you.

    Cheers, Paul

    P.S. The closest we come to this is via "Composite" Reports where we merge multiple separate Reports into one PDF document.


  • Paul,

    Thanks for the reply. I tried your suggestion, but I think that the problem is the sub report sits on Page 1 which starts off as Portrait and cannot be changed. I tried added a Page 2 putting and put the sub report on it, but I got other issues such as only 1 row being printed and that is from the last record on Page 1. I have Collate checked, but still no luck.


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