Bug(?) in Fastreport Designer


small demo: create a new project, drop some FastReport components on it, add functions and variables in code using frxReport.AddFunction() and frxReport.Variables.AddVariable(), then call Designer. In the variables pane you see your variables, in the functions pane you see your functions.

Now load a fr3 file. Suddenly all your variables disappear, but your functions don't.

This bug haunts me from FR4 onward. Of course I can use "OnGetValue()", which I do forced by this "feature".


  • PolomintPolomint Australia


    The Forums probably aren't the right place to "report bugs".

    Have you raised a Support Ticket?


    Cheers, Paul

  • You may have noticed that I wrote "Bug(?)". As this has been the case for a long time, and many others will have noticed, I think this isn't a bug but works as designed. I'm looking for someone stating "this is by design. Set property "foo" to "bar" to avoid deleting all your variables" or something like this. Maybe I have to alter the FastReport sources.

  • Hi Jhoehne,

    What you describe is a bug. I don't see advantages, only problems. For example: have a report with the functions you just added to the script and have them named the same as in the file you are going to open.

    Fast Report files are/should be containers, if you need the same functions in more reports, try inheritance.

    As Paul suggested: I would file a ticket and report that as bug.



  • I wrote "Bug(?)" as you may have noticed. I believe this isn't a bug but rather functions as intended because it has been the way for a long time and many people will have noticed. I'm trying to find someone who says, "This is on purpose. To prevent destroying all of your variables, set property "foo" to "bar" or something similar. Perhaps I need to change the sources for FastReport. cookie clicker

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