FastReport With Data From Two Queries, and a Comparison

I am looking to do a report that has three section. The first details departments sales for each day of a week, and the second shows the same thing for the same week last year. The Third section would show a summary of differences between the two (i.e. sales are up or down by X%). I have two queries that feed the first two sections, and I think I can sort out the third relatively easily. I am just not sure how to do a report with two details sections like that? I know back in the old Crystal Reports days, I would just do two sub-reports, but I am not sure how to approach this in FR? Any guidance much appreciated.


  • You can use TfrxSubreport too

  • Thank you!

    I didn't even realize there was a TfrxSubreport! I will look into this. Is this the correct approach? Is it possible to have values in the third section of my report (the summary) that are calculated based on data that occur in the first two (sub-report) sections? Or is the code for each sub-report isolated within the subreport?

  • You may store some some values from subreport and then use it in the main report. FR's script is common for whole report

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