How to pass a logo picture to .FR3 report design / FR VCL Delphi

edited June 2022 in FastReport VCL


I am still a starter when it comes to FR and have created my first report templates/designs and saved them as .FR3 files. These reports will be used by different customers with their own logos. Now I would like to find a way to place a picture (frxPictureView, I guess) on the page header and load it with/pass to it a right logo picture per customer on the fly.

I would appreciate very much if somebody would share how this functionality could be accomplished.

Best regards,



  • Please directly check the demo provided by FastReport, which shows all of them.

  • Unfortunately, FR technical support was not of much help in this topic, but for anyone who is interested I got it working in the following way:

    -On the Delphi side save the logo picture in a file and write it on the disk

    -With the Report Designer creatd a tfrxPictureView.Picture1 in the ReportTitle

    -Code following PascalScript in the OnBeforePrint event related to the Picture1:

    procedure Picture1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);



      picture1.picture.loadfromfile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+ '\Reports\Logo.jpg');




    -The Try-Except block prevents an exception message to appear to the user if the file containing a logo does not exists.



  • This forum is cold now. Ecology is really no good.

  • This forum is cold now. Ecology is really no good.

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