
we use Delphi 11 and ordered the newest VCL-6-Pro-Version of FastReport.
Since over 10 years we use Reports, that inherits from a "Standard-Report". Template-Path: ".\Reports\Vorlagen"
Now, the inheritance won't work. All inherited Reports are empty(Data-Tab and Page-Tabs), they won't be find from Fastreport.
There must be a Change in the newest VCL-Version....
Can anyone help me?
When you say "newest VCL-6-Pro-Version of FastReport", am I right in assuming you actually meant Vcl v2022? There is no current v6! 😉
We are using:
None of this required any change of our design, code or approach.
So I am inclined to think there is another factor involved. I have frequently been disappointed by the lack of support from Embarcadero for migrating from one IDE version to the next. Particularly with respect to all of the Components we have installed and the mess that GetIt can make of them.
Our first attempt with migration from Delphi Sydney 10.4.x to Delphi Alexandria 11 was a total disaster. The Migration Tools / GetIt screwed everything up. In the end we uninstalled Delphi and then started up again from scratch doing all of the settings and package installation manually from a hand-written script! It took a couple of days to get everything back to where we were with 10.4.3 but thankfully things have been pretty reliable since...
One of the areas that you could look at in the IDE is the "Tools | Options | Language | Delphi | Language" values for the Paths! This is an area that gets very tangled when different versions of Suites like FastReport are installed.
Cheers, Paul
Hi Paul,
yes, you are right. I meant v2022 Pro!
Our Versions was: Delphi6, Delphi XE, Delphi 10 Seattle and now Delphi 11 Update 1.
We also have everytime lots of Components to install: JEDIs, EhLib, HbTapi, ImageEn, WpViewPDF, TMS, ADS, FastRports and of course GExperts. This took everytime about a month, before all is running OK.
We had never before trouble with FastReport and it's inheritance. We have also the source code. I tried to debug to the point, where the tabs of the templates were inheritet/imported; but i don't find it...may be the FastReport-Support can help me?!
Have a good day
I got it...
with debugging i get my mistake in frxClass.pas, line 19906!
In my TemplateDir was a prescriber, that i didn't see since 2 days :-( And so the wrong filename was not found (but no errormessage from Fastreport).
I implemented a showmessage if error occurs.
Thank you and have a good day
G'day Bernd,
Glad you solved this one 😊 It is always best to have worked it through yourself, skills for the next time eh?
Tschüss, Paul