Slow loading FastReport


I am finding extremely annoying that fastreport is too slow on showing the reprot when have above 500 rows or more.... not to talk about 6000 rows or more ....

When in design mode you have to waint until last page is generated to show. When not in desing mode user is waiting... From the users point of view this is extremly annoying.

Is there a way to show some feedback to the user ? Show page by page ? Not to have to see the reprot after all is loaded?

or some way to be faster?

Thank you in advance for your answers,

Leposava K.


  • Is you query not slow?

  • Report events that can be

    There is onprocessstart, which is called at the beginning

    And onporcessstop, which is called at the end.

    Onprocess provides progress.


     FormWaitReportDone.pnlTitle.Caption := cxGridReportDBTableView1.DataController.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('report_name').AsString;


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