Setting the right bin property
Hi All,
I have a printer (Epson lq-690) with a tractor feeder.
I want to set the bin property of a page to this bin setting, but I am not able to.
I have three bin options:
1) Automatically Select
2) Manual Feed
3) Tractor
Setting frxReportPage.Bin to DMBIN_TRACTOR or frxReportPage.Bin to 3 doesn't work.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Open FR Designer, load tour report, set bin for TfrxReportPage and save report. Open fr3 in the text editor and look at Bin value for TfrxReportPage
I am affraid there is no Bin propery.
Where did you look?
I can see "Bin" in the TfrxReportPage Component. Have you tried something like:
TfrxReportPage(frxReport1.Pages [1]).Bin or .BinOtherPages
to access the Bin Number?
Cheers, Paul
My German Grandma used to say "the gods help those who help themselves"!
Thanks for your reply.
I know I am able to: frxReportPage.Bin := X, but I am not sure what Integer value to use.
Maybe I am overlooking something but no Bin property here. I have version: 6.9.11
G'day Peter,
That looks to me like the TfrxReport Component (in the Object Inspector pane). The property you need as GPI pointed out is in the TfrxReportPages Component. His instructions were for you to access the Property via the Report Designer (not the Delphi IDE).
On the other hand the code snippet I gave you previously will allow you to access the Bin (or other printer property) in Delphi code, for the first page of your report, but you need to write code for it, you can't (AFAIK) get at it through the Object Inspector.
And I can vouch for the code snippet working in v6.9.11 as it is from one of our Apps that was using FastReport v6.9 before we upgraded it to v2021.x. We don't have your Printer of course, so I can't guarantee that ...
Cheers, Paul
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your reply, but above images are taken from the Report Designer, not Delphi IDE.
I am not near a PC right now, so I can't check this, but...
Have you tried selecting a Page in the Designer? From agèd memory there is a button on the Toolbar.
I'll have another look when I am back in the office...
Cheers, Paul
OK I retire defeated!
"Bin" is not there although "Duplex", "Orientation" and other Properties (we regularly use) are.
Over to GPI and the FastReport Team...
Cheers, Paul
Screenshot from v2021.3.1: