Do you use FR VCL with Delphi or FR for COM/ActiveX?
FR is used with [x]harbuor, after research I found a manual but I couldn't identify how to perform the configurationin the code, apparently it isnot accepted in the way you ordered.
Here is the manual link
Apparently this version of FR is an adaptation
I'mnewto this area and I'mnot able to configure the FR
I wanted to leave this option of Embedded Fonts by default, would there be any configuration to do this?
Set frxPDFExport1.EmbeddedFonts to True
Isso resolve em qualquer versão do fastreport? Preciso para versão 4.8
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Does this resolve in any version of fastreport? I need it for version 4.8
Yes, EmbeddedFonts property is available in the FR VCL 4 too
Is this configuration done within the application? Or in the xml file. I couldn't identify the location where it should be configured
I couldn't understand where the setting "Set frxPDFExport1.EmbeddedFonts to True" should be done, in which location of the file.
In the Delphi's code
I tried to configure but couldn't, could you give me a code example to configure this parameter?
frxPDFExport1.EmbeddedFonts := True;
Fast report version 4.8 is used, and this code is apparently not valid. Would you have to import some library for use?
Do you use FR VCL with Delphi or FR for COM/ActiveX?
FR is used with [x]harbuor, after research I found a manual but I couldn't identify how to perform the configuration in the code, apparently it is not accepted in the way you ordered. Here is the manual link Apparently this version of FR is an adaptation I'm new to this area and I'm not able to configure the FR
frxPDFExport1.EmbeddedFonts := True; will not work with FR for xHarbour.
Can you give me an example of how FR works on Xharbour?
No. See FR for xHarbour documentation.
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