Designer Tidy Up: VCL 2021 Version

I would like to see some of the following tidied up in the Designer

Colours - all colours including in the Object Inspector should use X11 colours or similar and use the modern colour palette selector found in the Fill Editor dialog box - not continue to use the old and very outdated Delphi colour drop down list. Ideally colour palette favourites would store across the report project. The toolbar and object inspector should not be inconsistent.

The tab styling in the designer is very old and outdated. How can they be styled with a more modern Windows 10 look & feel?

The borders (frame) concept seems to be inconsistent between text (tfrxMemoView) and TfrxShape both in the way it works and the fact the toolbar border buttons don't work on shapes. Especially for rectangles and squares where this is commonly used, it seems to not be ideal.

Descriptions for many properties in the object inspector need completing i.e. propAnchors instead of either blank or something meaningful.

Consider introducing a "text" property to TfrxMemoView to make the language more modern that reads/writes the memo property for backwards capability or vice versa

It would be good to see CSS style round rectangle support where each corner had its own rounding options to support, as an example, top rounding but square bottoms.

When in embedded designer mode, hints don't work on the insert object toolbar, but they do on the Data/Variables/Functions etc Toolbar. It may require you to use a TdxRibbonForm and embed the designer onto a panel below the ribbon to reproduce this.

Sandboxing - It should be possible to set a single 'sandbox' = true option on the reporting control to ensure no classes in the scripter can access the local machine. Right now a report can be used to read & write files into the local rendering PC, allowing any kind of attack that is possible with the rights of the user running the report. It should be by design that FastReports can be a secure sandbox and any class added to the runtime is future is checked to see it cannot do anything outside the report context in sandbox mode.

There is a bug in the text alignment toolbar - if you click something that doesn't have text alignment i.e. a barcode then click back to a MemoView, no halign toolbar group item is 'down'

We really like the favourites tab in the object inspector. Its a shame Rad Studio doesn't have this!


  • We really like the favourites tab in the object inspector.

    Will be available soon

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