Indexed/array variables

We have a group of 10 variables GB-0, GB-1, ... GB-9 that should be indexed by <SatzDS."Gruppe">. We tried expressions like ['GB-'+IntToStr(<SatzDS."Gruppe">)] but couldn't get it to work.

The current solution is a massive IIF expression [IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=0,<GB-0>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=1,<GB-1>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=2,<GB-2>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=3,<GB-3>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=4,<GB-4>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=5,<GB-5>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=6,<GB-6>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=7,<GB-7>,IIF(<SatzDS."Gruppe">=8,<GB-8>,<GB-9>)))))))))] but we would like to have something more scalable.

Is there anything like array variables? Or could we use a different construct (not variables)?


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