Wrap String in MatrixCellDescriptor

Dear Board,

I need to wrap long text in MatrixCellDescriptor into two or more lines. I enabled already the WordWrap true property:

tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[j][i];

tableCell.WordWrap = true;

tableCell.Wysiwyg = true;

But text is cropped after the defined cell width.

I already tried to use "Environment.Newline" or "\n" in the string, but nothing worked for me.

So please I need some hint to get the long string wrapped to two or more lines.

Thank you!



  • Ok Guys,

    you can use Environment.NewLine for force the linebreak, but you need to adjust the height of the rows:

               foreach (TableRow row in matrix.Rows)


                   row.AutoSize = true; // or the different height properties as you like or need


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