How to properly add a watermark?

I'm using the Embarcadero FR 6 version in D10.4.2 and want to add a watermark. Which way looks properly? I already tried to place a image on top. It contained the text in semi transparent. Image format was PNG. It looked ok in designer but at runtime in preview an PDF output everything else was put in front of it! Even when I had put these other items into the background in designer!

The other solution posted n times here with adding a frxMemo in EndDoc event doesn't cut it either. I could neither find any way to put it the background as all (but then most likely the TCharts would be placed on top in such a fashion that they'd cover my watermark) nor did I see any way to make the text semi transparent.

I read about using an OverlayBand, but no description of how to properly use that. Drop in on the page in designer and add a memo with my text to it? Where does it render when? How to make it covering the other things but in a semi transparent way?

I've got the slight feeling your VCL version is in dire need of a half transparent watermark control. Where do I need to place such requests?


  • PolomintPolomint Australia

    [quote]I've got the slight feeling your VCL version is in dire need of a half transparent watermark control. Where do I need to place such requests?[/quote]

    G'day Markus,

    Have you raised a Support Request?

    Cheers, Paul

  • Try a band as overlay and use a memo or picture.

    insert a jpg

    or use a memo with text.

    It will print on every side as watermark

  • a half transparent watermark control

    FR VCL doesn't nahe such feature. Use overlay with PrintOnTop = False

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