Detecting print from preview

I'm using FR 2.51 and trying to figure out a way to know/detect if the
user has printed the report via the print option in the preview window.

The scenario is that I present to the user a list of items that have
not yet been printed.

I give them the option to print or preview the items they select from
the list. If they print them directly "rpt.PrintPreparedReport", I
remove the items from the queue.

If they just preview them, "rpt.ShowReport", I don't know how to
determine if they printed them from within the preview dialogue.

I do not want to disable printing in the preview window, as they often
need to print just one or two pages of a large report.

I just need to be able to detect the fact that printing was invoked
from the preview dialogue, so that I may remove items from my queue.

I hope this all makes sense.

Kevin Powick


  • edited 9:18PM
    I guess the newsgroups and forums aren't monitored by the support team. I posted this same question to the newsgroup 5 days ago and there is still not an answer.

    Nothing here yet either.

    Good thing I figured it out for myself.

    The TfrReport.OnPrintReport event is triggered only when the report is actually sent to a printer, either via coding or when the print icon/button is used in the preview.

    Seems simple enough, but I thought I had tried that event before without success. Oh well, at least my problem is solved.

    Kevin Powick

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