Download Embarcadero Edition while GetIt is still broken
Can you help us get FR VCL Embarcadero Edition while GetIt is still broken?
I purchased and installed FR FMX2 and it's great on my laptop and desktop that both run 10.3.3, but GetIt is broken and I've heard that even reinstalling Delphi from scratch doesn't fix that problem with GetIt.
For no reason I am aware of, GetIt suddenly worked in that I was able to install FR VCL and put FR components into my project. This led to a different problem for which I will post a separate message.
As it turns out, the remaining problem I'm having DOES relate to FastReport's GetIt distribution.
That is, what one receives when using GetIt is a flawed installation program. It creates a FastReports configuration that results in your apps expecting to find .PAS files that will not be present when the Embarcadero Edition is installed.
I had a similar problem with FR FMX 2 but in that case I needed the Professional Edition anyway so I just purchased it.
But in the case of FR for VCL, the Embarcadero Edition would suffice at least for evaluation.
But with what FastReports provides using GetIt, it is literally impossible to evaluate FR for VCL.
Note that the installation of the Embarcadero Edition using GetIt did NOT result in a folder with the words "embarcadero edition" in it. Instead, it created folders that are named in parallel with the naming used when I installed FR FMX 2 Professional.
This might be related to why nothing will compile if it has any FR VCL components in it from the EMB Edition in Delphi 10.3.3.