Paper format changes after one print job

Hi All,

I have set my paper format to A4 Fanfold '210 mm mm x 11 2/3 in' at the printer driver.

But after a print job this paper format is changed to Letter.

So I have to manually reset the paper format each time before I print.

Any idea what is coursing this and/or is it possible to set the paper format in code?

For this project I am using Delphi XE and FastReport 4.15.

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance



  • Below the solution:

    frxReport.PrintOptions.PrintMode := pmScale;

    frxReport.PrintOptions.PrintOnSheet := 186 // right index of TFormInfo1 (in my case A4 fanfold 210 mm x 11 2/3 in)

    If frxReport.PrepareReport

     Then frxReport.ShowPreparedReport;

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