not able to install versions after 6.2.16

Hi All,

I am trying to install the latest version but I am not able to do so.

The normal procedure (well for me) is to:

  • remove previous version
  • install a newer version.
  • after installation, recompiler will show up.
  • check the wanted settings and recompile.
  • Close window, start Delphi and all is up and running.

But every version after 6.2.16, I get

  • remove previous version
  • install the new version, in this case fr6_8_all_ent
  • after installation, nothing happens.
  • I have to manually start the recompiler
  • check the wanted settings and recompile.
  • Close window, start Delphi and nothing has been done in Delphi
  • have to manually select all packages.
  • building them goes well, but cannot install the packages into Delphi. All sort of error messages like: cannot found procedure @, etc.

Any idea's?


  • Recompile.exe doesn't start automatically in the latest FR.

    Run FR's recompile.exe with "Run as administrator" option, recompile all FR' s packages.

    If this does't helps - uninstall all instances of FR, remove all FR's files and folders (see system and hidden folders too) and then instll FR again. Run FR's installer with "Run as administrator" option too

  • Thank you for your reply. I will give it a try.

    Any idea which hidden folders I need to check?

    I have now checked:

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReport 6 VCL Enterprise
    • C:\Windows\System32
    • C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\Bpl
    • C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\DCP
    • C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\hpp
    • And all my folders which contains the compiled code of my project, like : dcu and dcp files

    Am I missing something?

  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited November 2020

    G'day Peter,

    The list of Folders covers the "critical" ones.

    We've recently found that there are compiled Units "all over the place" because of the way the FastInRush Installers bundle source and object into the same folder (e.g. LibD27). So deleting "frx.dcu" and "fs*.dcu" from your own folders is important. (And if you have FastCube the "fcx*.dcu" files should also be deleted.)

    Cheers, Paul


    We have had a lot of frustration with FastReport (and FastCube) Installations in the past, and initially acquired IObit Uninstaller to aid the process. This finds all traces left by an Installation and removes whatever the "native" Uninstaller fails to cover. The current version reports there are traces of FastReport in "C:\ProgramData" in a Folder with a name that looks like a GUID. But we've found that leaving those folders behind has no affect, although they do accumulate!

    Because our development machines have multiple IDE installations (from XE7 to Sydney) the installation process was a real barrier to keeping FastReport / FastCube up-to-date, so we wrote a Utility (in two parts: an Uninstaller, and and Installation Fixer) and now automate all of the necessary steps: (1) uninstall / clean-up; (2) native installer; and (3) installation fixer.

    We no longer use the "native" Recompile.exe because of the fact that is has "no memory" of your preferences, and you have to remake the settings every time and then run the process for each instance of the IDE you support. Our "Fixer" just finds all the IDEs installed and runs a script against them with no human intervention required. Oh and of course all of these steps are run "As Administator".

    The "Fixer" now breaks up the monolithic "LibDnn" / "LibDnnx64" folders moving the source to a sub-folder, and amending the parameter list for the DCCnn.exe calls before recompiling (we use Make at the moment rather than Build). This has gone a long way towards stopping Builds of our Applications creating multiple instances of FastInRush *.dcu files.


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