In FRDemo the mousewheel is activated. How is this done?
I'm using Fastreports vcl 6.2.1 (embarcadero)
Mouse wheel always activated when you are use standard preview (not TfrxPreview)
See if you are use TfrxPreview
I do use the standard tfrxreport.preview. But the mouswheel doesn't work in the preview.
I don't have tfrxPreview component on my form and I don't have it in the uses.
It's not clear to me how to use a custom preview form. I read the manual but can you please give a snopshot of the sourcecode.
Create small demo project with problem and send it to
I have the same problem. The Demo worked as expected but my project won't.
My TfrxReport Component is at a TDataModul with a TfrxDBDataset and a TFDMemTable.
I call frxReport.ShowReport
When I use the mousewheel it does not scroll the pages but the focus toggle between Zoom and Page.
It was a home-made problem. now scrolling worked.
I have same problem on some PC's with Windows 10 (works ok on Windows Server 2012, 2008), while the FR Demo works fine.
Can you please advise how did you fix the problem you say it was home-made?
Thank you very much in advance!
sischwNov 19, 2020It was a home-made problem. now scrolling worked.
Mouse wheel always activated when you are use standard preview (not TfrxPreview)
See if you are use TfrxPreview
I do use the standard tfrxreport.preview. But the mouswheel doesn't work in the preview.
I don't have tfrxPreview component on my form and I don't have it in the uses.
It's not clear to me how to use a custom preview form. I read the manual but can you please give a snopshot of the sourcecode.
Create small demo project with problem and send it to
I have the same problem. The Demo worked as expected but my project won't.
My TfrxReport Component is at a TDataModul with a TfrxDBDataset and a TFDMemTable.
I call frxReport.ShowReport
When I use the mousewheel it does not scroll the pages but the focus toggle between Zoom and Page.
It was a home-made problem. now scrolling worked.
I have same problem on some PC's with Windows 10 (works ok on Windows Server 2012, 2008), while the FR Demo works fine.
Can you please advise how did you fix the problem you say it was home-made?
Thank you very much in advance!