FR3 to FRX


I have FR3 reports created with VCL 5 that I want to use with .NET. They all point to an explicit DataSet, from Delphi. I ran the fr3tofrx.exe conversion. I can open the FRX file in Visual Studio and edit it as an XML. fr3tofrx.exe does not convert the DataSet. What changes do I need to make to the FRX to point it to the .NET data source?




  • edited February 2019
    push dataset from .net winforms/wpf => report.RegisterData(dataSet);

    and the frx file will automatically add :
        <TableDataSource Name="Employees" ReferenceName="Data.Employees" DataType="System.Int32" Enabled="true">
          <Column Name="ID" DataType="System.Int32"/>
          <Column Name="Name" DataType="System.String"/>
 internally process :
    1. TableDataSource => push datatable/dataset to fastreport, or
    2. BusinessObjectDataSource => push bussiness object or array to fastreport
  • edited 10:54AM
    The original FR3 report has a dataset call "fsData"
    If I call report.RegisterData(dataSet); or report.RegisterData(dataSet, "fsData");
    I get errors that "(fsDataBillCity): Error CS0103: The name 'fsData' does not exist in the current context." The same thing happens if I manually add the dictionary to the FRX file. Do I need to change something else?


    ipong wrote: »
    push dataset from .net winforms/wpf => report.RegisterData(dataSet);

    and the frx file will automatically add :
        <TableDataSource Name="Employees" ReferenceName="Data.Employees" DataType="System.Int32" Enabled="true">
          <Column Name="ID" DataType="System.Int32"/>
          <Column Name="Name" DataType="System.String"/>
 internally process :
    1. TableDataSource => push datatable/dataset to fastreport, or
    2. BusinessObjectDataSource => push bussiness object or array to fastreport
  • edited 10:54AM
    you have to match between
    1. in data source : TableName.FieldName, and
    2. in textobject : [Employees.ID] => tablename = Employees and fieldname = ID
  • edited 10:54AM
    My FR3 looks like this:
        <item DataSet="fsData" DataSetName="fsData"/>
    <TfrxMemoView Name="fsDataInvoiceNumber" Left="105.6" Top="0" Width="86.4" Height="19.2" DataField="InvoiceNumber" DataSet="fsData" DataSetName="fsData" Font.Charset="1" Font.Color="-16777208" Font.Height="-12" Font.Name="Arial" Font.Style="0" ParentFont="False" Text="[fsData."InvoiceNumber"]"/>

    How should I rewrite that for FRX?
        <TableDataSource Name="fsData" ReferenceName="fsData" DataType="System.Int32" Enabled="true">
          <Column Name="InvoiceNumber" DataType="System.String"/>
    <TextObject Name="fsDataInvoiceNumber" Left="105.60" Top="0" Width="86.40" Height="19.20" Font="Arial, 9pt" Text="[fsData.InvoiceNumber]" Padding="2, 1, 2, 1" HorzAlign="Left" VertAlign="Top" TextFill.Color="0, 0, 0"/>

    Is that correct for the DataSource? Do I need to changed the properties on the TextObject?



    ipong wrote: »
    you have to match between
    1. in data source : TableName.FieldName, and
    2. in textobject : [Employees.ID] => tablename = Employees and fieldname = ID
  • edited 10:54AM
    correct, take a look at demo
          // create simple dataset with one table
          FDataSet = new DataSet();
          DataTable table = new DataTable();
          table.TableName = "Employees";
          table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
          table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
          table.Rows.Add(1, "Andrew Fuller");
          table.Rows.Add(2, "Nancy Davolio");
          table.Rows.Add(3, "Margaret Peacock");
          // create report instance
          Report report = new Report();
          // register the dataset
          // enable the "Employees" datasource programmatically. 
          // You can also do this in the "Report|Choose Report Data..." menu.
          report.GetDataSource("Employees").Enabled = true;
          // design the report

    and the frx file
        <TableDataSource Name="Employees" ReferenceName="Data.Employees" DataType="System.Int32" Enabled="true">
          <Column Name="ID" DataType="System.Int32"/>
          <Column Name="Name" DataType="System.String"/>
      <ReportPage Name="Page1">
        <DataBand Name="Data1" Top="74.15" Width="718.2" Height="18.9" DataSource="Employees">
          <TextObject Name="Text1" Width="94.5" Height="18.9" Text="[Employees.ID]"/>
          <TextObject Name="Text3" Left="103.95" Width="198.45" Height="18.9" Text="[Employees.Name]"/>
  • Where can I Download fr3tofrx.exe, could you help me please.

  • I cannot download that please help me! :)

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