Changing database server (hostname) at runtime
I am trying to change the hostname of my database server (stored in the params property of the DBXDatabase component in the report) at runtime. Can I do this from within delphi? What I need to do is run one report on potentially multiple different sql servers.
IN Delphi, you create a variable for the report with the connectionstring (sTemp here) for your base :
frReport1.Dictionary.Variables := '''' + sTemp + '''';
IN the report you have DATABase1 as a tfrADODataBase
Insert in the 'onActivate' script :
if [sConnexionString] <> '' then
DATABase1.databaseName :=[sConnexionString];
OK ?
So, in the TfrDBXDatabase component, I need to change a variable in the
Params property - is there a way of changing only one variable in this property (and leaving the rest the same)?
same problem for me too ....
it seems too strange that it can't be done
You can access to TfrxDBXDatabase.Params (this is TStrings) from Delphi
TfrxDBXDatabase(frxReport1.FindObject('DBXDatabase1')).Params.Strings[n] := 'YourNewValue';