Print simplex on duplex printer


I had to print a lot of bills with each bill consits of serveral pages. The print order of the bills must not be changed.

The problem now is, that some cusomers wante the bill printed as duplex others not. So the printerdirver is set to duplex.

How can I put an empty page after each page for the customers which want simplex? Printersettings from Delphi doesn't work.


  • Where can I found documentation about e.g. the functions deletepage() or addemptypage()?

  • hello,

    i am not sure but i dont think you can. if you select printing method in design by Dublex property of Page it is already decided if its printing dublex or simplex. if you select printing method in print dialog you cant add page after that.


  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand
    edited February 2020

    There is a thread about concatenating separately generated reports with deletepage/addemptypage (just search the forum) but if you are printing from one report, in the page header or group header which starts a new bill (and which is set to start a new page) you can check if the page number is even in the onbeforeprint handler, and if so, call engine.newpage

    Below code tested hackily in the FR6 demo 2.fr3, but note that page headers and footers still display on the blank pages.

    procedure GroupHeader1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);


     if (<page> mod 2) = 0 then engine.newpage                                                                                    


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