PDF export don't work when Intraweb application running as a Windows Service


I'm using Delphi 10.2 (Tokio) and Intraweb 15.1.10. I have an application running in a Windows server as a Service, created with default parameters. Recently I've added a new report created with Fast Report 6.5 (last version). When I run the application on my development computer, or I run the app in SA mode, the report shows a preview, and when I export report to PDF, the file is created correctly and the PDF is shown in a new window in browser. But when I run the App as a Windows Service, the file is created empty, and an empty page is shown in browser.

I've changed the directory in which the file is created to C:\Temp, without success. I've changed also the user used to start the service, without success. Here is the source used to create the PDF file:

   RPTOF is the Fast Report Object

   frxPDFExport1 is the Fast Report Export to PDF Filter object.

   RutaInformeOrden   := 'C:\Temp\';

   NombreFicheroPDF  := ChangeFileExt(System.IOUtils.TPath.GetRandomFileName, '.pdf');

  NombreFicheroPDF  := RutaInformeOrden + NombreFicheroPDF;

  frxPDFExport1.FileName    := NombreFicheroPDF;

  frxPDFExport1.DefaultPath  := RutaInformeOrden;

  frxPDFExport1.OpenAfterExport := False;

  frxPDFExport1.ShowDialog   := False;

  RptOF.Export(frxPDFExport1);              <-- Here the file is created, empty when service, full as a SA

  // Open PDF in a new window

  URLFicheroPDF := TIWAppCache.AddFileToCache(Self, NombreFicheroPDF, TIWMimeTypes.GetAsString(mtPDF), ctOneTime);


Could you please help me with this problem?


               Venancio Lasquíbar


  • Hi


    Using same code, - and a different Delphi project, new ServerController and new UserSession, both with same content - I deployed application in a IIS server. If I place the .fr3 report file in a subdirectory of the root application directory (where the .DLL file is placed) and point the report directory to that subdirectory, the report is shown empty. However, if I place the report in same directory than the DLL and point the report directory to that subdirectory, the report works fine.

    Subdirectory permissions are the default.

    I would like to place my report in a subdirectory. Any idea?

    Could this behaviour be a clue for my original problem?

    Best regards,

                 Venancio Lasquíbar

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