Watermark revisited

Hi All!
Besides these methods:
is there another way to draw a watermark in Fast-Report 6?
procedure TForm1.frxReport1EndDoc(Sender: TObject); is not working for me, because I use ShowPreparedReport and the TfrxPreview component.
both of them will work only when previewing or printing report, but not when exporting to PDF or other exports.
Best Regards
Francisco Alvarado
Besides these methods:
is there another way to draw a watermark in Fast-Report 6?
procedure TForm1.frxReport1EndDoc(Sender: TObject); is not working for me, because I use ShowPreparedReport and the TfrxPreview component.
both of them will work only when previewing or printing report, but not when exporting to PDF or other exports.
Best Regards
Francisco Alvarado
You can place a picture of watermark in report and use 'send it back' option to have a watermark effect.