Databand sort numerics Nulls last

edited 10:44PM in FastReport .NET
Is there a way to sort in Databand integer values that can contain NULL-Values as I do in MySQL --> ORDER BY IfNull(res.Heben_Platz, 1000) ASC?
If I pass the ordered datatable to FR using no sort expression it still sorts NULL,1,2... Even the integer values will be sorted like strings 1,10,11,2.
An sort expression like "IIf(not IsNull("protokoll.Heben_Platz"),[protokoll.Heben_Platz],1000)" does not help either.

Thanks for any help.


  • edited 10:44PM
    there are 2 methods:
    a. easy way : custom function
    b. hard way : linq
  • edited July 2018
    ipong wrote: »
    there are 2 methods:
    a. easy way : custom function
    b. hard way : linq

    First of all I do not understand how do you create the datasource "nullable".
    Then my datasource is a datatable derived from MySQL database with many Columns. I could build a sorted list from it (if sorted list is supported), but I really do not understand the concept of the file you posted here.

    Is there a source for some material to learn about FR? I only can find outdated manuals.
  • edited July 2018
    2 ways to create datasource:
    1. fastreport as standalone, pull data from database with built-in classes
    2. push data from main application (winforms, wpf, web apps) to fastreport

    i attached samples for demonstration:
    1. instagram.frx , standalone report, pull data from internet, a json format, don't forget to copy Newtonsoft.Json.dll into C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport.Net Trial, because the dll must exists along with designer.exe
    2. a console project, how to push data to fastreport and custom sort

    basically, two kinds of data object are processed internally by fastreport :
    1. business object (data model or data transfer object, whatever)
    a. if you pushed data from main app with code : report.RegisterData(list, "BODatasource");
    b. you can catch the object from report script : BusinessObjectDataSource data = Report.GetDataSource("BODatasource") as BusinessObjectDataSource;
    c. where is my business object?
        // declare a model in report script:
        class DataModel
            public int? field1 { get; set; }
            public string field2 { get; set; }
        private void _StartReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
          DataSourceBase data = Report.GetDataSource("BODatasource");
          List<DataModel> list = (List<DataModel>)data.Reference;

    2. datatable
    a. if you pushed data from main app with code : report.RegisterData(datatable "DataTableDatasource");
    b. you can catch the object from report script : TableDataSource data = Report.GetDataSource("DataTableDatasource") as TableDataSource;
    c. where is my datatable?
        private void _StartReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
          DataSourceBase data = Report.GetDataSource("DataTableDatasource");
          DataTable table = (DataTable)data.Reference;
          // custom sort with linq
          // you must set reference to System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll and System.Core.dll
          DataTable sortedTable = table.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().OrderBy(x => x[0] != DBNull.Value ? x[0] : 1000).CopyToDataTable();
          data.Reference = sortedTable;
  • edited 10:44PM
    ipong wrote: »
    2 ways to create datasource:
    1. fastreport as standalone, pull data from database with built-in classes
    2. push data from main application (winforms, wpf, web apps) to fastreport

    i attached samples for demonstration:
    1. instagram.frx , standalone report, pull data from internet, a json format, don't forget to copy Newtonsoft.Json.dll into C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport.Net Trial, because the dll must exists along with designer.exe
    2. a console project, how to push data to fastreport and custom sort

    basically, two kinds of data object are processed internally by fastreport :
    1. business object (data model or data transfer object, whatever)
    a. if you pushed data from main app with code : report.RegisterData(list, "BODatasource");
    b. you can catch the object from report script : BusinessObjectDataSource data = Report.GetDataSource("BODatasource") as BusinessObjectDataSource;
    c. where is my business object?
        // declare a model in report script:
        class DataModel
            public int? field1 { get; set; }
            public string field2 { get; set; }
        private void _StartReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
          DataSourceBase data = Report.GetDataSource("BODatasource");
          List<DataModel> list = (List<DataModel>)data.Reference;

    2. datatable
    a. if you pushed data from main app with code : report.RegisterData(datatable "DataTableDatasource");
    b. you can catch the object from report script : TableDataSource data = Report.GetDataSource("DataTableDatasource") as TableDataSource;
    c. where is my datatable?
        private void _StartReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
          DataSourceBase data = Report.GetDataSource("DataTableDatasource");
          DataTable table = (DataTable)data.Reference;
          // custom sort with linq
          // you must set reference to System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll and System.Core.dll
          DataTable sortedTable = table.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().OrderBy(x => x[0] != DBNull.Value ? x[0] : 1000).CopyToDataTable();
          data.Reference = sortedTable;

    Sorry to bother you again...
    - type "DataTable" does not exist
    - I cannot find any hint how and where to set the mentioned references

  • edited 10:44PM
    learn it from my attachment, full working visual studio project
  • edited 10:44PM
    when starting your project FastReportDataSource it throws Error in FastReport "Main class of report was not found in ReportScript"
  • edited July 2018
    i dont have any clue what you did, works fine for me (visual studio 2017 v15.7.4)
  • edited July 2018
    I am using VS 2015 and VB as script language - but should this be the problem?

    As a workaround I added a datacolumn to my table where all Nulls are converted to 1000 and this works too.

    Something else: is it possible to hide a groupheader conditionally?
    I have a table with "GroupNumber" and "Divider". If Divider=Null then the GroupHeader should not be shown.
  • edited July 2018
    i will prefer your method, adding datacolumn, why?, doing something in script is not optimized because fastreport use reflection to do that, in terms of speed, reflection is slow.

    for reference:

    dynamic class is a trade off between speed and flexibility/convenience.

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